The King of kings
The myth of King Arthur resonates in the heart of every man. The myth of the chosen king who selflessly serves others and is worthy of heartfelt loyalty is as old as human history. Today movies, books, and magazines portray men as kings serving such ideals as money, success, fame, achievement, sexual prowess, and power. Unlike King Arthur, however, they are loyal only to their own self-interest. Indeed, their ideals are merely idols. Even worse, these leaders display the same weaknesses and shortcomings of all men. They are deceptive leaders serving false gods. Whether its a movie actor, rock star, coach, athlete, politician, scientist, author, or expert, these kings fall short of our expectations. At the end of the day, we long to serve a king who is worthy of our loyalty and faith, vision and ideals, and even our love. Yet earthly kings turn out to be mortal men like us, born to fail, fall short, and falter. When our kingly image fades, the man across the table is just as fragile and tarnished as we are. Still we ask: is there a king anywhere who is worthy of my heart?
If we study great men throughout human history, honestly evaluating their character and deeds, it becomes evident that there is only one man, one King, who is truly worthy of being served: Jesus Christ. In the Bible, Jesus is referred to as the King of kings and Lord of lords because He is the only man in whom the fullness of the Godhead dwelt bodily. He is fully man and fully God simultaneously. Jesus has the power and authority of God the Father. Although this sounds like an impossibility, that Gods power could dwell in a single human being, Jesus divinity is actually no more unbelievable than some modern scientific theories. For example, Modern physicists maintain that the Universe came from a singularity, defined as an infinitely small, infinitely dense point. In essence, they are saying that all matter in the Universe (galaxies, planets, stars, suns, etc.) was once contained in a point smaller than the head of a pin. Initially this theory sounds impossible because it is counter intuitive; that is, it goes against deductive logic, observation, and what we believe we know about the world.
Yet most physicists have come to accept this theory as fact, even though it is not the most apparent explanation. Indeed, if modern science maintains that the singularity theory is true, even though there is very little empirical evidence to support it, why would we deny that Gods power could be concentrated in one man, Jesus Christ? No physicist has ever proven that there was a singularity before the beginning of the Universe, but scientists believe in this theory nonetheless; one might even say they have faith that it is true. So if one is possible and called science, why should the other be viewed as impossible or merely religious myth? If science postulates that all physical matter was contained in an infinitely small point, why couldnt all of Gods spiritual power, the fullness of the Godhead, be contained in a single human being, Jesus Christ? Jesus proved that He was the Son of God through His teachings, countless miracles, power over natural law, victory over sin and death, and His crucifixion. He had all the generative power of God the Father, but He set that power aside because He loved the world, humbling Himself more than any person in the flesh ever has or ever will. His flawless life, remarkable death, and incredible resurrection are proof of His divine and everlasting Kingship. Indeed, even human time, the most fundamental construct of human experience, is defined by Jesus Christ. B.C. signifies human history before His birth, while A.D. signifies human history after His birth. Why would recorded time, human history itself, be defined by the birth of one man? Is it possible that this man, Jesus Christ, was exactly who He said he was, the Son of God, and that the world was radically different after His birth than before He came? You wont find any man in human history who is more worthy of being called the King of kings than Jesus Christ. If we open our eyes and ears, we realize Jesus Christ is the one and only true King. Indeed, almost two billion people worldwide believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He is worthy of being served and worshipped! Jesus Christ embodies the love and righteousness of God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth. Jesus was not an earthly leader, but a heavenly Prince who was all about His Fathers business of saving souls from sin and darkness. God came down to humanity in the form of a human being, His Son Jesus Christ, who is the Truth and light of this world. Jesus Christ was not bound by sin or weakness like other men, but was able to finish the task He was born to complete, which was the salvation of every human being who believes in His Lordship and resurrection from the dead. Because He was raised from the dead, those who believe in Him will also rise from the dead.
Does it sound impossible for human beings to rise from the dead? At first it does seem impossible. Every person whos been to a funeral understands the painful reality of physical death. But lets look at resurrection more closely. Modern science and even simple observation confirm that human beings are composed of several handfuls of dust. Indeed, the remains of a cremated human being are just enough dust and ash to fill a small urn. So lets evaluate resurrection logically: what is more unlikely, that dust could be transformed into a living being capable of reason, creativity, and love, or that a living being whose physical body dies, could live again? How could mere dust live? How could a few handfuls of dust think and reason and feel? How could an inanimate mix of elements form a living and breathing being? After all, the human body is mostly water, made of hydrogen and oxygen. If we reflect carefully on these questions, we realize that it is actually more impossible for dust to become a living being than for a living being to die and live again, but the things which are impossible with man are possible with God. Gods power transcends the limitations of the natural world; He is able to do much more than we can see with our eyes. We are living proof of His invisible and miraculous power. If God can transform death (dust) into life (human being), why couldnt He transform life (finite human being) from death (physical death) into eternal life (eternal human being)?
Dust is non-living, yet we are alive and we are made of dust. It follows logically, therefore, that human beings are an impossibility, a miracle! Life on earth is nothing short of miraculous. Life is miracle # 1. Resurrection, rising from the dead, is just as miraculous. Resurrection is miracle # 2. If lifeless dust became a living being, then we who are living certainly can and will live again. If God gave us a body from lifeless matter, He can give us an eternal body without aging, pain, or decay. God made man by breathing life into dust, a profound miracle that no mere theory of evolution will ever explain, let alone understand. In like manner, God will raise believers from the dead, giving them eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ, who overcame death by dying Himself and then rising from the dead (thereby conquering death). If God can make living beings in His own image from lifeless dust, then it follows logically that He can create eternal bodies in His own image. Indeed, to the rational mind, living again is not only possible, but likely! To the believer in Jesus Christ, therefore, eternal life is not abstract philosophizing, but an irrefutable promise of God. Indeed, every Christian understands Jesus promise that believers will live again in His presence. We will live again. Death is not the end: Death where is thy sting? Death, where is thy victory? Jesus Christ is the only man in human history who is worthy of being called King and Lord and God. His physical body contained the power and glory of God the Father, and His death by atonement (freeing us of our sins and overcoming death) ensured that we will live again. Sin, like a virus, spread to all humanity and caused spiritual death. Jesus killed the virus of sin by carrying it in his own body and then sacrificing Himself, which means that sin cannot cause eternal death to those who are in Him, those who believe in Him! Why? Because those who believe in him have been immunized against the destructive power of sin through Jesus death and resurrection. The blood of Jesus now runs through our veins, and the antibodies of His righteousness protect us from the deadly effects of the virus of sin.
So I say to every man, no matter who you are, what youve done, what youre dealing with in your life, or what you call yourself: Jesus Christ, the King of kings, is calling you. Listen to the calling of knighthood, or discipleship, which is available to every man:
How does a man follow the King of kings, Jesus Christ?
Here are 33 principles of knighthood, based on the Word
of God, the Holy Bible, which was inspired by Gods
Holy Spirit, who dwells in all believers. Remember, modern
day knights are disciples who serve the King of kings, Jesus
Christ! 1) Every knight loves his King with all his heart, mind,
& soul.
2) A knight serves only his King, the source of his
faith & hope.
3) A knight knows that strength comes from his King,
through his own weakness. 2 Corinthians 11:30; Psalm
28:8; Colossians 1:11;
4) A knight wears his full armor to stand against evil
& do good.
5) A knight knows that all men will be judged by the
6) A knight serves the Kings people--widows, orphans,
& the poor.
7) A knight rebuke & resists all lies, which are
from the devil.
8) A knight serves his King with his words & deeds.
9) A knight has the Spirit of his King.
10) A knight follows the King anywhere He leads.
11) A knight lifts up his voice in praise, thanksgiving,
& worship.
12) A knight has a childs pure and simple heart.
14) A knight knows he is co-heir to his Kings
16) A knight knows that his body, will, & life belong
to his King.
17) A knight knows his King is the source of all love.
19) A knight seeks fellow knights by preaching the Kings
20) A knight does not fear because He is loved by his
22) A knight does not value possessions, but the heart
of his King.
23) A knight is one blood & body with his King.
24) A knight is humbled by his Kings constant
discipline, even when painful. Revelation 3:19; Hebrews
12:6 25) A knight knows he is being shaped into the likeness
of his King.
26) A knight knows that loyalty to his King comes with
a price.
27) A knight trusts in his King for all his needs.
28) A knight knows that his King rules all kingdoms,
seen and unseen.
29) A knight obeys only those counselors appointed by
his King.
31) A knight stands in awe before his glorious King.
32) A knight calls on the name of his King to accomplish
all things.
33) A knight never gives up in battle, keeping his eyes
on his King.